Good afternoon!

Well, get ready for more robo-taxis. After six-and-a-half hours of heated public comment, the California PUC gave Cruise and Waymo unfettered access to SF streets. For background, explore Mission Local’s coverage of driverless cars.

A Mission landlord, Michael Campesino, is making a third try at an Ellis Act eviction of his tenants on 25th Street. “We believe we can turn every tenant into an owner,” says Campesino. But the tenants refusing buy-outs charge harassment, retaliation, and “elder abuse.”

There are thousands of graves under our city, and “San Francisco’s Forgotten Cemeteries: A Buried History” explores them. We interview Mission Local copyeditor Beth Winegarner about what happens to graves in a city built on sand, and the ways people revere, dig up, and forget their dead.

Thanks to all the readers who’ve contributed so far in honor of our quinceañera. Mission Local runs on your support—please consider donating today to keep independent journalism thriving in San Francisco.

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The Latest News

Cruise, Waymo win green light for robo-taxis across San Francisco

After hours of public comment, a 3-1 vote for more self-driving taxis.

‘San Francisco’s Forgotten Cemeteries:’ Beth Winegarner brings a buried history to light

“I’m very interested in what’s beneath the surface.”


The butterfly is here to stay

By Michael Santiago

Mission Local is a nonprofit news site that depends on its readers.

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Volunteer and author of the daily newsletter. I'm a writer who’s covered wars, politics, and religion. I’ve lived in the Mission for over 30 years, and have appreciated the work of Mission Local since it began.