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  • All the benefits of the contributor level.
  • 12 weeks of advertising.



  • 4 weeks of advertising
  • Your events are maintained on the calendar
  • Your logo and a link to your website is on our membership page.


  • To be part of a community
  • To keep the community informed
  • To engage with customers
  • To avoid the ad servers used by other sites that pit your local business against national businesses.
  • To reach a local audience.

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We accept advertising at rates of $300 a week for inside ads and $250 a week for landing pages. All of our ad spaces are 300 by 250 pix.

For political advertisements, we adhere to California’s Fair Political Practices Commission guidelines on political advertising disclaimers and subscribe to standards of editorial independence adopted by the Institute for Nonprofit News. All advertisers pay the same rates. We accept ads from all candidates in any race.

Political advertisements cannot be used to attack other candidates. 

Direct comparisons with other candidates and/or the unauthorized use of another person’s likeness are not permitted. 

The person or group who paid for the advertisement must be clearly identified. 

Direct asks for fundraising are not permitted. 

Advertisers must have evidence to back up their claims. 

Advertising must be truthful and not intended to mislead. 

To schedule an advertisement, contact info@missionlocal.com