Thousands gathered in the Mission for the annual Carnaval parade on Sunday May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
A woman standing and waving a flag on the back of a pickup truck in a lively street scene featuring several classic cars and storefronts in the background. At Carnaval.
Lowriders kicked off the Carnaval parade on Sunday, May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
A white car with an orange roof is performing a hydraulic lift on a street in front of various storefronts, including shops and restaurants. Another car is parked in the background, and people are watching. At Carnaval.
Lowriders kicked off the annual parade. May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
Female dancers in colorful dresses perform in the street during a parade in front of Plaza Adelante, with buildings and spectators in the background. At Carnaval.
Photo by Kelly Waldron.
Dancers At Carnaval.
May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
Colorful street festival with participants in traditional, vibrant attire. A person in a bright pink outfit and decorated hat is centered. Buildings, signs, and the sky are visible in the background. At Carnaval.
May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
Mission Local's Joe Eskenazi, dressed up as a frog at Carnaval.
Mission Local’s Joe Eskenazi, dressed up as a frog. May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
Marchers at Carnaval.
May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
A crowd of people stand behind metal barriers on a city sidewalk near a ria Money Transfer store and Gentle Dental office on a sunny day. at Carnaval.
Spectators stand along Mission Street. May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
Dancers at Carnaval.
May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
A group of people in red costumes dances in a street parade, surrounded by spectators. The area is lined with palm trees and vibrant buildings. at Carnaval.
May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.
Marchers at Carnaval.
May 26, 2024. Photo by Kelly Waldron.

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Kelly is Irish and French and grew up in Dublin and Luxembourg. She studied Geography at McGill University and worked at a remote sensing company in Montreal, making maps and analyzing methane data, before turning to journalism. She recently graduated from the Data Journalism program at Columbia Journalism School.

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  1. It was great to see Rigoberta Menchú Tum as Grand Marshall. She’s a contemporary that humbled me in the 80s with how she and countless Guatemalans took risks unimaginable to us to throw off the ruthless genocidal dictatorship that kept indigenous Guatemalans in feudal servitude.

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  2. Carnaval is not how it used to be. The aztrec dancers had the mexico flag upside down. What the heck is wrong with you have morevresoect

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    1. Taking this too serious much? Here’s a couple more complaints: Carnavale/Karneval/Fasnet/Carnaval proper is February the week before lent anyway. SFMTA’s brand of traffic management (rollseyes), total joke. Good thing I had the MC out.

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  3. Great photos . Great Time . Great people
    My favorite float was the unofficial “Queers for Palestine “ we need to bring social justice to what’s going on . Today billions of innocent Palestinians are dying and getting raped . Free Palestine . Israel is homophobic

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    1. Dude, I don’t know what you’ve been smoking…but it must have been some seriously good shit! Go visit Gaza or the West Bank as an open queer and see what happens. Then visit Tel Aviv and compare.

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      1. It would seem @Ricardo Ruiz was being sarcastic.

        Liberals attempting to sell Israel as a land of inclusiveness by holding up Tel Aviv is its own brand of humor.

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        1. Oh yea, the whole country is inclusive. Israeli Arabs are much more pro Israel than pro hamas, that’s for sure. Not not sure what you’re trying to get at with your smart assy comment.

          And no I don’t think he was being sarcastic. That’s just how out of touch and dumb SF side show idiots are when it comes to Israel. Just turds jumping on the feel-good-bash-Israel bandwagon.
          *toilet flush*

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          1. Israel is predominantly segregated and Tel Aviv is a stark example. The greater metro area has a population of some 4.5 million, of which <1% is Israeli Arab, and those Arabs are mostly confined to Jaffa. That didn't happen by chance.

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