An illustration of District 1 supervisor candidates
Connie Chan, Jeremiah Boehner, Jen Nossokoff, Marjan Philhour and Sherman D'Silva are running for District 1 supervisor in the November 2024 election. Illustration by Neil Ballard.

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Welcome back to our weekly “Meet the Candidates” series, where District 1 supervisorial candidates who have filed to run respond to a question in 100 words or fewer. 

Answers are published each week, but we are also archiving each answer on this page for District 1, to make it easier for voters to browse. 

On May 29 at 10 a.m., I will be at Cinderella Bakery at 436 Balboa St. Drop by and share your thoughts. Can’t make that meeting? I’ll be somewhere in the district every week. Check back here to find out where.

This week, we asked District 1 candidates to tell us about their campaign finances.

The candidates’ latest reporting last December shows how much they have raised and spent, according to the San Francisco Ethics Commission. The data will be updated after July 31.  

Money raised and spent in District 1 supervisor race


Money spent


Marjan Philhour



Connie Chan





Jen Nossokoff



Jeremiah Boehner


Sherman D’Silva








Money spent


Marjan Philhour



Connie Chan





Jen Nossokoff



Jeremiah Boehner


Sherman D’Silva







Source: San Francisco Ethics Commission, as of April 3, 2024. Chart by Junyao Yang.

An illustration of District 1 supervisor candidate Jeremiah Boehner

Jeremiah Boehner

  • Job: Marketing specialist and U.S. Army veteran
  • Age: 39
  • Residency: Tenant, living in District 1 since 2006
  • Transportation: Driving
  • Education: University of San Francisco
  • Languages: English

There’s not much to say. Most of my donors are people I’ve met in the past, or people who follow me online.

An illustration of District 1 supervisor Connie Chan, a woman in a blazer.

Connie Chan

  • Job: Incumbent District 1 Supervisor
  • Age: 45
  • Residency: Homeowner, living in District 1 since 2011
  • Transportation: Driving and walking
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree, University of California, Davis
  • Languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin

I’m proud to have the support of workers, small-business owners and everyday San Franciscans. We have raised more than $125,000 and have qualified for public financing. 

We like to say the Richmond is not for sale, because Richmond voters have firmly rejected any effort to buy our elections. At a time when a handful of individuals are flooding our elections with millions of dollars, I’m proud to have never been backed by a billionaire-funded political action committee. I fight for our families and they are the backbone of this campaign. 

Endorsed by: San Francisco Labor Council, Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club, Local 21, Service Employees International Union 1021 … Read more here.

An illustration of Sherman D'Silva, a man in a suit and tie.

Sherman D’Silva

  • Job: Owner of a laundromat on Geary Boulevard
  • Age: 51
  • Residency: Homeowner, living in District 1 since 1973
  • Transportation: Driving
  • Education: Bachelor’s degrees from San Francisco State University
  • Languages: English

Representatives should never have a conflict of interest or even a perceived conflict. Voters say the money spent in elections corrupts the process and leads to distrust of our elected officials. In federal, state and local elections, there are individuals, companies, unions and special-interest groups that wish to elect someone that will benefit their organization. I believe an elected representative should only look out for their neighbors and the communities’ interest.

For this reason, I have never accepted any money or contributions from anyone. I will commit to only spending $2,000, the limit permitted by the Ethics Commission. 

[Editor’s note: Candidates who raise or spend less than $2,000 don’t need to file typical campaign finance disclosures, according to the Ethics Commission.]

An illustration of District 1 candidate Jen Nossokoff, a woman in a lab coat.

Jen Nossokoff

  • Job: Vice president of a healthcare company and physician assistant
  • Age: 38
  • Residency: Homeowner, living in District 1 since 2020
  • Transportation: Walking, biking, public transportation, driving
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree from Colorado State University and master’s degree from Samuel Merritt University
  • Languages: English

My campaign is powered by the community. All contributions have come from individuals I know personally, or those who share my values and believe in my ability to lead. Because of this grassroots support, we will easily qualify for public financing. 

As the only first-time Democratic candidate in District 1, this widespread backing demonstrates a clear desire for fresh perspectives and dedicated leadership in our local government. This funding approach ensures our campaign is powered by genuine community support, prioritizing people over special interests.

[Jen Nossokoff has raised about $14,100 and spent about $4,000, according to the candidate.]

An illustration of District 1 supervisor candidate Marjan Philhour

Marjan Philhour

  • Job: Business owner, former advisor and fundraiser to London Breed
  • Age: 50
  • Residency: Homeowner, born in District 1 and moved back in 2006
  • Transportation: Biking, walking, driving and public transportation
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley
  • Languages: English

Our campaign is committed to following all laws and regulations related to campaign finance, which can be found here.

Our campaign reports contributions and expenditures on the timeline mandated by law, and those reports can be found here.

Transparency is critical in campaigns, and I am proud to comply with the law. Additionally, as a candidate who has qualified for public financing, our finances will be audited. 

[As of December last year, Marjan Philhour has raised $136,064 and spent $63,735, according to the Ethics Commission.] 

Endorsed by: San Francisco Police Officers Association … read more here

Candidates are ordered alphabetically and rotated each week. Answers may be lightly edited for formatting, spelling, and grammar. If you have questions for the candidates, please let us know at

Read the rest of the series here. Illustrations for the series by Neil Ballard.

You can register to vote via the website.

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Junyao is a California Local News Fellow, focusing on data and small businesses. Junyao is passionate about creating visuals that tell stories in creative ways. She received her Master’s degree from UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Sometimes she tries too hard to get attention from cute dogs.

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