Dogpatch, April 25, 2020 Photo by Kerim Harmanci

The San Francisco Department of Public Health provides daily updates each morning. We will do the same.

The most recent numbers from the Health Department show one new COVID-19 death, and only six new confirmed cases as of yesterday.

The data is still noisy, but when viewed as a 30-day rolling average, the number of new confirmed cases each day still appears to generally, through fits and starts, be trending downward.

Today’s reported death is the first new recorded COVID-19 fatality since May 14.  Looking at the number of daily deaths as a 30-day rolling average shows the trend to still be rather flat.

Our data tracker is embedded below, or click here for a full screen version.

The city’s new mobile testing site opens today and will initially be stationed at the Tenderloin Recreation Center. Online appointments are “strongly encouraged,” however staff from GLIDE and Code Tenderloin will be onsite to register people who can’t register online.  Testing is available free of charge, and without health insurance or a doctor’s note. The first 3,000 people tested will receive a $10 Safeway gift card.

You can sign up here.  But take note – the site hasn’t been updated to reflect some of the new information. For instance, it says that any adult with one symptom can be tested, but any adult from the Tenderloin or Bayview can get tested – regardless of whether they have a symptom. And in fact, the one symptom for others is a very low threshold with even a headache being one of the symptoms.

The testing of any adult in Bayview Hunters Point began today at 1101 Fairfax began and will go on through Friday, May 22. It will continue every Friday thereafter for the foreseeable future. It is easy to sign up here or residents can arrive at the site.

Both the Tenderloin and the Bayview have had higher incidences of COVID-19 cases. The citywide the rate is 21.8 cases per 10,000 residents, but the Tenderloin has had 33.51 cases her 10,000 and the Bayview has had 41.4 cases per 10,000 residents.

Elsewhere in San Francisco, the city is encouraging all essential workers to get tested. “Whether you’re selling groceries or driving Muni or out there as a paramedic,” Mayor London Breed said at Tuesday’s press briefing. “Those are the people who are in contact with folks on a daily basis, putting their lives on the line to provide us.”  Tests are free and can be scheduled here. 

Yesterday, Dr. Grant Colfax, director of the Health Department, said eight more staff and residents at Laguna Honda Hospital were discovered to be positive through the department’s efforts to test everyone at skilled nursing facilities in San Francisco. “We know it is very likely there will be more cases,” he said.

Please note:

There is a discrepancy between the total number of positive test results reported by the city and the total daily number of confirmed cases. The discrepancy comes from a delay in fully investigating positive test results. In doing so, health investigators find some duplicates and some are for people who live outside of the city, according to epidemiologists at the Department of Public Health. New cases are only added to the daily confirmed cases after an investigation is completed.

Also, there is also a discrepancy between the hospitalization data reported by the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) and the county hospital data reported by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). This is because SFDPH receives data from one additional hospital, San Francisco VA Health Care System, that is not required to report to CDPH. “SFDPH statistics will trend higher as long as this hospital has patients admitted as either COVID-19 positive or suspected COVID-19 positive.”

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Michael Toren is a reporter in San Francisco. He can be reached at

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1 Comment

  1. thank you, I appreciate the added paragraph regarding the differing sets of hospitalization data. not sure if that was in response to the question I had asked earlier in the comments, but double thank-you if so!

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