A shooting left holes in this window.
A bullet fired in the barrage that killed a 15-year-old boy shattered the mirror at J.J. Jewelers. Photo by Annie Berman.

A child was shot and killed early Monday morning near the 24th and Mission BART station, according to police. The victim has been identified by the medical examiner as Day’von Hann of San Francisco. He was 15.

Police responded just after midnight midnight to ShotSpotter activity outside GiroMex Financial Services on 24th and Capp. Officers who arrived at the scene saw a vehicle drive away, and were unable to apprehend the drivers during an active pursuit. Officer Curt Barr, a crime scene investigator who was still on the scene at 11 a.m. this morning, confirmed that multiple shots had been fired, and that, so far, no suspects have been identified or apprehended. 

Edgardo Campos, owner of the nearby J.J. Jewelers on 24th Street, said when he arrived to work this morning at 9 a.m. he was confronted with an active crime scene.

Jeweler Edgardo Campos’ store was hit with at least four shots in the barrage that killed 15-year-old Dayvon Hann. Photo by Annie Berman.

“They’d taped off the front of my shop,” he said, pointing out four fresh bullet holes in his windows and the mirror behind his workbench. Campos, who has operated his shop in the Mission District for more than three decades, said he wasn’t surprised by the shooting.

“I’ve been robbed three times in 30 years, and shot at one time,” he said. “Just four days ago, some boys shot at my shop with a paint gun, from a moving bus.” 

A bartender at the Napper Tandy bar a few doors down said she wasn’t working last night — but her coworker, who was, told her he heard the shots but assumed they were fireworks and thought nothing of it.

An investigation is still ongoing. This story will be updated as more information comes to light.

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Aleka A. Kroitzsh grew up in Mumbai, India and now lives in Berkeley, CA. She is an English major at Dartmouth College and is passionate about poetry, hiking, and travel.

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  1. There are many unanswered questions on why this happened as he was with a group of juveniles on 24th and mission at midnight. Regardless of whether he was walking home or not, he did not deserve to be killed in such a manner.

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    1. they are too busy patting themselves on the back for being so street smart that they actually don’t need to learn or read anything remotely connected to the truth. They already know everything! All black people who get shot must have been in a gang. Got it? Any article that implies we don’t know that for sure clearly has an agenda!

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  2. It doesn’t matter what time he was out. The facts are, he was ON HIS WAY HOME and was executed by grown mfs who were obviously on a purge to kill.

    For y’all idiots, quit pointing blame on our babies and GET THESE MF’N MONSTERS TF OFF OUR STREETS SO WE CAN FEEL SAFE AGAIN!

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  3. Have we become so inured to gun violence that the majority of comments responding to a report of the shooting death of a 15 year old focus on whether the victim was properly described as a child? A boy was shot to death. This is tragic.

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  4. My daughter and granddaughter are close to that family. That boy has been to my home and I can speak very highly of him. Why don’t you all just stfu – who cares if they call him child or teen? He was fifteen years old walking home. He Is someone’s child, and they will be grieving for the rest of their lives. Maybe you all can stop editing and put your energy into ways to help make the City safer.

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  5. This City needs more cameras that the Police can access, so they can catch thugs that place so little value on human life.

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  6. SFExaminer headline = “ Teen Killed in Mission District Shooting “
    Seems a little more accurate to me

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  7. How horrible. I heard the shots last night, sounded like two guns. Police scanner via scansf.com sounded like they were closing in on the suspects car till they lost sight of the car on 280 around Daly City. Hopefully the people responsible are found.

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  8. Why are you all so ignorant? Who care teen or child this was an innocent bystander. He lost his life for nothing. Now you all want to argue about if he was a child a teen? Idiots why do you all even comment? Anyways, condolences to the family.

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  9. For Pete’s sake stop quibbling. A local kid is dead. Have some respect for the family and yourselves. I heard the shots from Harrison and 24th, checked the time, heard a car speeding away after maybe 30 seconds, and sirens 3 minutes later. The noise was obviously gunshots, eight or nine in perfect rhythm then a few more after a pause.

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    1. Actually I don’t think it’s off topic, it speaks to the type of person he was becoming. Everybody on the comments implying gang membership even though nowhere in the police report nor article is that said is being racist and judging him off an African American name. He was a child activist so if anything he might have been a target of shady elements – gangs or bad cops or drug dealers etc. all dislike people of any age trying to make things better. Good cops need to do their job & figure this shit out!

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      1. Given that he was at 24th and Mission after midnight, questions about gangs and crime seem entirely appropriate.
        If he was coming home from the late shift at his summer job at Mitchell’s someone would have mentioned it, no?

        Can we be honest?

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        1. Yes indeed. Let’s be honest. Honest means not making speculations that arise from prejudices. Your speculation that “someone would have mentioned if he was coming home from…his…job” was made only to justify your prejudice that he had no good reason to be out. The Ex reported the fact that when murdered he was very close to his home.

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  10. Why does Mission L@CO ALWAYS have provoke solely for the sake of provocation? Is it still too close to its UC Berkeley student mentality roots? 15 is the age of consent in a lot of places. Using the word child is unprofessional and adds nothing to the coverage. Nor does filing a gang murder under the ‘clever’ topic “trouble.”

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  11. That was my cousins son there’s questions that needs to be answered what could he have done to deserve death at age 15,it’s not over God works in mysterious ways ..

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    1. That was my Cousin’s son what could he have done to deserve death at age 15 there’s questions that needs to be answered it’s not over God works in mysterious ways..

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  12. The best way to decide on the use of the word “child” is to refer to multiple dictionaries.
    The most common definitions are,
    1A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.
    1a : an unborn or recently born person
    2a : a young person especially between infancy and youth
    b : a childlike or childish person
    c : a person not yet of age
    Biologically, a child (plural: children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty,[1][2] or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty.[3] The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.

    A shooting like this is always a tragedy. That said, I also felt that the choice of the word ‘child’ felt manipulative.

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    1. If they’re 17 & under, they’re children, point blank, PERIOD. When a teen girl around 16 years old goes missing, she’s reported as a missing child & goes on a list full of “Missing Children”, not “Missing Juveniles” or “Missing Minors” listed separately from the missing pre-teens, they’re all listed as missing CHILDREN. They’re not allowed to vote because they’re CHILDREN, try to have intimate relations with someone 17 & under and you get listed under Megans Law because again, they’re CHILDREN.

      JFC you people are hell bent on the semantics of what is pretty much an established norm and I’m heavily questioning the coincidence of this as Joe (keep up the good fight) reports on a Black child.

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    2. Thank you for telling me, a professional journalist for 25 years, and a father of three, how to report on children.



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      1. Actually, Joe, I think you are an amazing writer – probably one of the best.
        I just happen to disagree on this topic.

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  13. No one can argue that this is an unnecessary loss of a valuable life.

    I also was puzzled for a moment at the use of “child”-but only because I thought a minor’s name was protected (i.e. not released by the press without family permission)?

    Fr may have been splitting hairs in a way that made them sound un-empathetic, but perhaps real questions have been raised about the definitions of child, youth and minor. I hope this young person’s family were notified and gave permission before the full name of a 15 year old was reported. Hope friends and family didn’t find out from the news:(

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  14. I think the point here is that choice of language matters in setting a narrative. The story implies that this may well have been a gang-related murder, but the headline makes it sound like the victim was random. I’m sorry for the victim and his family, but if we ever want this kind of violence to stop in our community, we have to be straight about what’s going on.

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    1. it could have also been a case of mistaken identity. We’re supposed to be operating under the assumption of “innocent until proven guilty.” It would not be responsible reporting to throw in a bunch of unsubstantiated suspicions into the article that many commenters have provided. All prejudices aside, we simply don’t know the facts at this point. If details on the case are not known, it is wrong to report “facts” that at this point are just hearsay. Hearsay that damages a victims’ reputation and to be honest, directs energy away from the actual perpetrators of the crime.

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      1. Yes, But hearsay is saying you know a fact based only on hearing it from someone else. In this instance, people aren’t repeating what they heard from anyone. They’re speculating based on personal conjectures, largely rooted in prejudice.

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    2. For the sake of argument, I’ll accept your assumption that this was a gang related murder. But that doesn’t at all justify concluding the victim was a gang member. He could have very well been killed for refusing to cooperate with a gang. BTW, have you heard about innocent people fleeing their country because of death threats by gangs? It’s been in the news a lot lately.

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  15. Why not just say ‘leaves a 15 year old dead’? If the purpose is to convey information to readers, using the term child is simply sensationalistic. Stating that a child was killed connotes an innocent bystander, while that stating a 15 year old was shot in a barrage of gun fire connotes an event that was likely more targeted. Please, you’re not helping the youth of the Mission with this kind of reporting.

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    1. Mike —

      Your belief that describing a 15-year-old who was gunned down as a “child” is “sensationalistic” says a hell of a lot more about you than it does about us.


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      1. The persistent defense you put on here says just as much.

        It’s quite rare that a ‘child’ is out after midnight getting gunned down by a drive by with no others targeted.

        Would also have been great to know why the pursuit failed.

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        1. Sir or madam — 

          Persistence is necessary in a world populated with so many pedantic, half-bright, heartless vulgarians.



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  16. Maybe you’re thinking of the legal definition of ‘minor’. A minor and a child are not the same, by any stretch of standard english.

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    1. You’re fighting a losing battle with the dictionary. A child is anybody who is under the age of majority.

      A 15-year-old is dead and you’re engaging in semantic battles, and specious ones to boot. Show a little decency.


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      1. Maybe the term juvenile is what those people looking for. Essentially, they all want to cast blame on the victim for being out after midnight, implying that he was there for some nefarious purpose and therefor brought it on to himself. Nasty people.

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        1. I don’t read these comments as victim-blaming, personally. Hopefully those people who know something about this will come forward. Stop protecting these violent, child-murdering thugs, or your child (or teen, or minor, or juvenile) may be the next innocent victim.

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          1. Please read more critically. The quotes below are all from comments posted before yours. Do you still read no victim blaming?

            The very first comment says:

            “No ‘child’ is hanging out at the 24th street BART station after midnight.”

            Others say:
            “Stating that a child was killed connotes an innocent bystander, while that stating a 15 year old was shot in a barrage of gun fire connotes an event that was likely more targeted.”

            “The story implies that this may well have been a gang-related murder, but the headline makes it sound like the victim was random.”

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  17. Why does this headline say ‘child’ instead of ‘teen’ or something? No ‘child’ is hanging out at the 24th street BART station after midnight.

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    1. I sat with this young man as he died, in the dark, on the sidewalk. I didn’t know his age but my impression was that he was just a kid. This reporting feels more accurate than anything I’ve seen from the larger media outlets. Kids are dying in the streets.

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      1. JP I can’t imagine how hard that must have been. I know his family appreciates you making sure he wasn’t alone.

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      2. I went to the same middle school as him, were didn’t really talk but we were on the track team he was a really nice and funny person. When you talk to him it almost feels like you’ve known him for a long time.

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    2. He wasn’t “hanging out at the BART station.” He was walking down 24th Street. Why are you inferring it’s somehow the victim’s fault that he lost his life? And why are you quibbling over language? A fifteen-year-old may not think he is a child, but that is exactly what he is. And in this case, we are talking about a dead child who has a family and friends who are mourning him today.

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      1. I was not implying that it was Day’von’s fault. I’m sorry that you, Joe, and others interpreted my comment that way. I just meant that many people use the term child to mean someone much younger – young enough that they would not be out in the Mission at that time without an adult.

        I’m sorry for his friends and family. Hope they catch the murderers. Based on another other article, it sounds like Day’von was trying to do the right thing.

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      2. Where was a child’s family at midnight on a school night? Parents should be charged with child endangerment.

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        1. Uhh, I’m sure school was many, many years ago for you so you just reacted with innate prejudice. School is out for Summer.

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        2. Why are you so eager to blame the family? Why not blame the person who actually killed the child? Why shouldn’t a person be able to walk down the street without being shot at?

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        1. I reiterate what I told the other guy: As a professional journalist with 25 years experience and a father of three, thanks for your input on how I should cover children and the deaths of children.

          I used to work for the Examiner. This Examiner and, before that, the Hearst Examiner.

          Do you have any other valuable insights for me?


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        1. Hey there.

          You’re right. The Medical Examiner gave his name without the apostrophe, and Dunn had been quoted in prior news stories with his name spelled without it. But we have now spoken to people who knew him personally and they said he used the apostrophe. So we’ve added it.



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        1. Mikey — 

          Eight-TEEN or Nine-TEEN would make him an adult. Seven-TEEN or, relevantly, fif-TEEN makes you a child.

          I’m sorry, we go by the definitions laid down by the law of the state of California. Not stuff you make up.



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      1. Why don’t they have footage? There must be way more to the story besides he’s jewelry store getting shot at?

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