Nor impossibly expensive.

If our loyal readers contributed just $10 a month or $120 a year, Mission Local would be completely self-supporting. Make a tax-deductible donation by clicking  here, or by writing a check to “UC Regents” with a memo “for Mission Local” and send to 400 Treat Ave, Ste. 1, SF CA 94110.

The goal: $50,000.

Yes, we’re a University of California project, but we’ve always seen this as a collaboration between UC and the community, where we train graduate students and anyone from the community who knocks on our door.

The university paid the startup costs and continues to fund the two professors who teach and edit at the site. In addition, UC funds one full-time reporting fellowship. Money for rent, a translator, extra reporters over the summer and holiday breaks, and the print edition has been raised independently.

Want to know more about what we do in the community? We also volunteer at local schools to teach Mission students about local journalism, we teach hands-on video workshops, and we train journalism interns and contributors in our newsroom.

The extras add up to $50,000 to $75,000 a year — a sum we believe the community can muster pretty easily. It’s just one click away.

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