An old, faded Chevrolet advertisement billboard on a building wall with graffiti. Construction equipment and debris are present in the foreground.
At Valencia and Cesar Chavez streets. Photo by Walter Mackins.

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I am a native San Franciscan. Since becoming a photographer I’ve found The City always ready for her close-up, blemishes and all. I love doing shots here— can’t let tourists have all the fun.

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  1. Pretty cool shot – quite a bit of contemporary history going on. Not positive, but according to other journalistic photo op docs, some of the Chevrolet marks, especially that arrow, might be approaching “ghost” status, i.e., “been around for awhile,” definitely longer than the other graffiti. Nice capture in any event.

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    1. Thirsty Stork! Good to hear from you, partner. Had thought about you while watching
      SCF (Oilers v Panthers) the other night. Suffice it to say, I was rooting for Edmonton… eh? (For so many reasons a hockey team from Florida should not be hoisting The Cup.) Go Leafs! Maybe next year! Thanks for your comments. History is what’s happening! I appreciate you taking the time. Hope all’s well. Happy trails!

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