District 7 supersonic race 2014.

Welcome to “Meet the Candidates,” where Mission Local asks supervisor hopefuls questions in the lead-up to the November election. In District 7 — which includes the Inner Sunset, Parkmerced and West Portal — Matt Boschetto and Stephen Martin-Pinto are running against incumbent Myrna Melgar.

Between now and the November election, Mission Local will ask each candidate one question per week, and candidates will get 100 words to respond. Take a look at all the answers from District 7 candidates here.

Here’s our second question: Why are you running for supervisor?

A cartoon image of a man with a beard.

Matt Boschetto

  • Small business owner
  • Age: 35
  • Housing: Homeowner
  • Education: BA in philosophy, Saint Mary’s College of California
  • Residency: Living in District 7 since 2014

Trying to build a business and raise a family in SF, I became very frustrated by the politics of our city. For decades City Hall has been dominated by professional politicians who have prioritized ideology and career trajectories over the needs of their constituents. By challenging an incumbent, I am challenging that status quo, taking the power away from the establishment, and putting it back into the hands of the people. And I hope I will not be the only one. I hope to see others like me join this political process and serve the city we love.

A cartoon of a man in an orange circle.

Stephen Martin-Pinto

  • Firefighter/major, U.S. Marine Corps reserves
  • Age: 46 
  • Housing: Tenant in SF, Property owner and landlord in Lemon Grove, Ca.
  • Languages: Spanish, Russian, Georgian
  • Education: UC Davis
  • Residency: Living in District 7’s Sunnyside since 2014 and, earlier from 1983 to 1998

We need working-class, blue-collar representation. I’ve been a union ironworker, U.S. Marine, and San Francisco firefighter. I’ve seen first-hand the end results of how our city policies play out. I have unique real-world experiences and common sense perspectives that very few in politics have, and will offer pragmatic solutions. We need someone with a vested personal interest in San Francisco; I was born and raised here, attended public schools here (Lowell High School) and have family here. I started this campaign myself; it’s neither a political arrangement nor a career move. I’m running because I actually care and want to improve San Francisco.

Endorsed by: Former District 7 Supervisor Tony Hall, former Planning Commissioner Michael Antonini, former Police Chief Tony Ribera, drug policy advocate Tom Wolf, BART Board Director Debora Allen … read more here

A cartoon of a woman in a business suit.

Myrna Melgar

  • District 7 supervisor
  • Age: 56
  • Housing: Homeowner
  • Transport: Bike
  • Languages: Spanish, French, Swedish
  • Education: BA, Excelsior College; MSUP, Columbia University
  • Residency: Living in Ingleside Terraces since 2011, and lived in District 7 while in college at SF State between 1987 and 1991

I am running again because I want to continue serving my community. I think that my particular set of skills, knowledge and relationships are useful for District 7 as we navigate this period in the life of our city. Over the past four years, I have prioritized the very diverse needs of District 7 through the pandemic and the recovery — and delivered on safety, support for small businesses, housing, transportation, and support for families with children and seniors. We are not out of the woods just yet, but I am proud of my legislative record, and the constituent services my office … read more here

Endorsed by: SF Labor Council, SF Tenants Union, Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Supervisor Hillary Ronen, Supervisor Connie Chan, Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, Supervisor Catherine Stefani, Senator Scott Weiner, District Attorney Brooke Jenkins … read more here

Candidates are ordered alphabetically. Answers may be lightly edited for formatting, spelling, and grammar. If you have questions for the candidates, please let us know at kelly@missionlocal.com.

Read the rest of the series here. Illustrations for the series by Neil Ballard.

You can register to vote via the sf.gov website.

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Kelly is Irish and French and grew up in Dublin and Luxembourg. She studied Geography at McGill University and worked at a remote sensing company in Montreal, making maps and analyzing methane data, before turning to journalism. She recently graduated from the Data Journalism program at Columbia Journalism School.

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