District 7 supersonic race 2014.
Matt Boschetto, Stephen Martin-Pinto and Myrna Melgar are running for District 7 Supervisor in the November 2024 election.

Welcome to “Meet the Candidates,” where Mission Local asks supervisor hopefuls questions in the lead up to the November election. In District 7, which includes the Inner Sunset, Parkmerced and West Portal, Matt Boschetto and Stephen Martin-Pinto are running against incumbent Myrna Melgar.

Between now and the November election, Mission Local will ask each candidate one question per week, and candidates will get 100 words to respond. We will compile all responses onto a single page, so that voters can get a full picture of their stances.

Question one: What is your number one issue in this election, and what do you plan to do about it?

A cartoon image of a man with a beard.

Matt Boschetto

  • Small business owner
  • Age: 35
  • Housing: Homeowner
  • Education: BA in philosophy, Saint Mary’s College of California
  • Residency: Living in District 7 since 2014

I want District 7 residents to feel safe on our streets and in our homes, protected by the San Francisco Police Department and our city government. At a time when funding is stretched thin and full police staffing is years away, our community voice has never mattered more. I will work hand-and-hand with D7 neighborhoods to revitalize community watch programs, advocate for City Hall to support them and work closely with precinct captains to run operations to fight specific crimes, like retail theft. Finally, I support the use of technology, like drones and cameras, to help police fulfill their mandate to keep us all safe.

A cartoon of a man in an orange circle.

Stephen Martin-Pinto

  • Firefighter/major, U.S. Marine Corps reserves
  • Age: 46 
  • Housing: Tenant in SF, Property owner and landlord in Lemon Grove, Ca.
  • Languages: Spanish, Russian, Georgian
  • Education: UC Davis
  • Residency: Living in District 7’s Sunnyside since 2014 and, earlier from 1983 to 1998

The drug markets, because it reaches into so many of the major issues facing San Francisco today, let alone the staggering cost to human lives. I have personally witnessed the human tragedy at ground level as a firefighter/EMT, and have personally administered Narcan to users who have overdosed. Normally, we’re able to revive them, but sometimes we’re not, even as their dealer is standing nearby. Witnessing the death of a drug overdose victim always stays with you. We need stronger policies and legislation against dealers to include deportation and Alexandra’s Law, all while offering abstinence-based treatment to users.

Endorsed by: Former District 7 Supervisor Tony Hall, former Planning Commissioner Michael Antonini, former Police Chief Tony Ribera, drug policy advocate Tom Wolf, BART Board Director Debora Allen … read more here

A cartoon of a woman in a business suit.

Myrna Melgar

  • District 7 supervisor
  • Age: 56
  • Housing: Homeowner
  • Transport: Bike
  • Languages: Spanish, French, Swedish
  • Education: BA, Excelsior College; MSUP, Columbia University
  • Residency: Living in Ingleside Terraces since 2011, and lived in District 7 while in college at SF State between 1987 and 1991

My number one issue is to maintain District 7 as San Francisco’s best district to live, work, do business and go to school in.  Our City is changing; the pandemic also changed us. Safety issues are paramount, especially on our commercial corridors, while staffing in our police precincts is at an all time low.  We have successfully implemented a police ambassador program, funded neighborhood based safety programs and police overtime. My office has worked with City departments, Stonestown mall and the school district on a coordinated response to youth violence at the mall. I will support all strategies proven to support the safety and the feeling of safety for the D7 community.

Endorsed by: SF Labor Council, SF Tenants Union, Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Supervisor Hillary Ronen, Supervisor Connie Chan, Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, Supervisor Catherine Stefani, Senator Scott Weiner, District Attorney Brooke Jenkins … read more here

Candidates are ordered alphabetically. Answers may be lightly edited for formatting, spelling, and grammar. If you have questions for the candidates, please let us know at kelly@missionlocal.com.

Read the rest of the series here. Illustrations for the series by Neil Ballard.

You can register to vote via the sf.gov website.

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Kelly is Irish and French and grew up in Dublin and Luxembourg. She studied Geography at McGill University and worked at a remote sensing company in Montreal, making maps and analyzing methane data, before turning to journalism. She recently graduated from the Data Journalism program at Columbia Journalism School.

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  1. I was wondering where these white boomers in khaki cargo pants and special SFPD jackets, wandering around West Portal, came from. Police Ambassadors.

    I cannot fully articulate why, but they make me feel super uncomfortable. The way they carry themselves, often walking with another couple of non-ambassador friends.

    I would never approach them for help, nor would I trust them to do what is best for anyone but a mere sliver of SF residents.

    ML, are they everywhere in the city? What is their role? How are they chosen and trained, and who does the training and supervising?

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    1. Perhaps the fact that you can’t articulate any good reason why they make you uncomfortable is an indication that your discomfort is unwarranted? Just a thought.

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    2. O’ Mama,

      One of those guys is the best cop I’ve ever seen.

      His name is Joe Garrity and he’s retired SFPD Commander who walked the beat in the Tenderloin even when he was on Command Staff.

      Hey, I’m on their butts like stink on doo when they overstep but there are a thousand good cops out there who don’t.


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  2. Melgar is part of the failed leadership that has made San Francisco a dystopia. She strongly advocated for defunding the police and the police ambassador program is a waste of money as the ambassadors have no more authority than any unpaid citizen to stop or respond to crime. Were there a poll of drug dealers, chronic thieves, corrupt non-profits, and anarchists she would be the preferred candidate hands down. Either Matt Boschetto or Steve-Martin Pinto would be a welcome change in District 7

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  3. Campers,

    Melgar’s a nice lady but her Chief of Staff is Mike Farrah whom, I believe served in same capacity for Gavin back in the day and is too hard edged for my taste.

    He has her voting with DeLeon and Dorsey for gods sake.

    Let’s see how much the firefighter (he on that job now?) pans out over 6 months.

    Go Niners !!


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