Mission Local map of local tech companies

A map of technology and web-based companies and incubators in the Mission. This is an evolving map, as businesses are always opening, closing, moving, and being bought. Did we miss anything? Email us or sound off in the comments and we’ll update.

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Chris Schodt built a running motor before turning 10. By 26, he pivoted — just slightly — from a career in science to writing about it as a journalist. The St. Paul, Minn., transplant hopes to uncover the “upstarts and weirdos” of the Mission’s burgeoning tech/science scene.

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  1. Thanks for the map. A coupla things:
    Betabrand at 780 Valencia does’t capitalize its 2nd b.
    And I/O Ventures, listed next to it, was a previous tenant that doesn’t exist at that location anymore.

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      1. I can’t find their new address anywhere. Even their linkedin profile points to Betabrand. I don’t think they’re defunct – perhaps on hiatus?

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  2. Glad to have this overt discussion about the bankster and greedster displacement of all and everyone who made San Francisco wonderful

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    1. It must be wonderfully comforting and smugly simplifying to be able to dismiss everyone who isn’t like you as “bad” and “wrong” and greedy”, while everyone like you is “wonderful” and “good”.

      Why try and understand the nuances of a complex world when instead you can trot out some polarizing platitudes and snide stereotypes?

      I always thought that San Francisco practiced tolerance and loved diversity. Evidently that is not the case if your attitude is typical.

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      1. We’re not so tolerant of the hordes of 20something white male yuppy frat-boys urning this city into a playground for them while they try to get as insanely rich as possible in as little amount of time with some stupid app innovation that does nothing for the world. Yeah, sorry, I’m judging. If I have to overhear one more douchebag conversation about “my investors” at lunch I’m going to puke.

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        1. You sound very angry, Alex.

          May I suggest a spa treatment, or perhaps some herbal tea?

          Can you describe what is holding you back from achieving similar levels of success yourself?

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  3. It is absolutely up to a new business to make an effort and reach out to the existing community it is bombarding and displacing. Ellie, it is nice to hear that you believe your place of employment is benefiting the community (that remains to be seen), and to finally learn what this place actually is. I don’t think you guys did the best at introducing yourselves as I live 2 blocks away on Bryant St. and never received a hand written invite to your open house. And an online search for a company at your address brought me to the desktimeapp website that gave a sterile synopsis of your services and amenities. It’s still a big loss to see our friends at Million Fishes go however I’m hopeful that not all new businesses in the Mission are scary start-ups and soulless tech folk… waiting for Bloodhound to prove that stereotype wrong. How about start with installing some of that local art in your windows? Right now that space is an eyesore.

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  4. Bloodhound (an app?) has moved into the space previously occupied by the Million Fishes Gallery at 23rd and Bryant. So, what was once a space where the public was invited in to see art and that provided housing for dozens of working artists -contributing to SF’s culture is now the exclusive domain of a bunch of tech bros, a dog, and usually a messy exhibit of party leavings and red solo cups in the windows. It’s like the worst private cafe in the neighborhood.

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    1. MIllion Fishes closed down? Wow that is said. That place was an institution. And great, replaced with another douche-bag techie frat-house startup….solving the “problems’ of other entitled 20something white yuppies….Sign of the times I guess….

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    2. Just FYI, before Million Fishes most of the people in that space was a web development firm, so it was tech office space as far back as 1999 – 2000. Not that I think the word “displaced” should really be associated with commercial space. But those poor dot commers of the first generation were there before.

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    3. Bloodhound is a start-up, but it is also a community space that is trying to overcome an unfortunate stereotype.

      The space that it occupies is not only composed of techsters and a dog, but of freelance designers, scientists, and a start-up that helps charities raise money.

      While it may not be obvious to those passing by and peering through the widows in disgust, Bloodhound is working on bringing local artists in to showcase their work, and currently welcomes neighbors to use the space to host their own events at no cost.

      It’s easy to assume something is exclusive when you don’t know anything about it, but as somebody who works at Bloodhound, I can assure you that you are invited to be a part of what we are creating.*

      We can only embrace the community if the community is willing to embrace us. So open your eyes to us an we’ll open our arms to you.

      *Bloodhound is located at 2501 Bryant. Come by sometime and share a cup of coffee.

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      1. I’m glad to hear this. But, how come I’m only hearing about it now !? In this comments section? As a neighbor, you guys could have avoided the “unfortunate stereotype” by communicating your plans/intentions to the community earlier. The unfortunate stereotype (of tone-deaf, self-absorbed, insular, disrespectful tech consumers) is only perpetuated when a vital neighborhood space is taken over and there doesn’t seem to be a sense of responsibility, stewardship, or outreach.

        “We can only embrace the community if the community is willing to embrace us.”

        That is b.s. It’s your job to make the first move and let us know you are friends and not a harbinger of more displacement with no positive cultural contribution.

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        1. Forget stereotypes – the FACT is that a soulless tech company has displaced Million Fishes, a large group of artists, because the landlord wanted to rake in more money.

          This tech company makes an app that digitizes business cards “to increase your event return on investment” (wow that’s so awesome!!).

          I don’t hold it against the coders because they may not have realized what was in the space prior – this is 100% on the landlord. I know from Million Fishes people that they were paying a large rent, over $5k, so it’s not like they were hippy freeloaders.

          As many predicted, the opening of the yup eatery “Locals” Corner across the street lit the fuse on a wave of landlord greed in the vicinity, resulting (so far) in the loss of a neighborhood cultural asset, and the mass-eviction of the building at NE corner of 23rd and Florida.

          The perceived cold looks through those big windows are not imaginary – people understand what’s going on.

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          1. Hahaha spot on 100% correct. Sorry, but you’re “community oriented’ tech company is absolute BS. You are a bunch of aspirational yuppies who moved to SF after Stanford with the dream of getting as insanely rich as quickly as possible with another unnecessary venture backed dot.com startup. In your greed and selfishness you, as a group not individually, are displacing thousands of people who actually contribute to the city, the neighborhood and community.

            That is why everyone despises you.

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          2. Can you imagine moving into a new apartment, and then have random people give you the stinkeye and say snarky things about you because you ‘displaced’ the previous tenant who you’ve never met and had nothing to do with their leaving? Pretty stupid, huh?
            What makes you think that a business leasing an advertised space is any different? That they somehow cruelly conspired to throw the poor previous tenant in the street, and therefore deserve your snarky contempt?

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          3. Ellie,

            I’m sorry I missed the invite and the tour…

            And John, I agree with you here: “A tech company in the Mission, or anywhere else for that matter, owes us nothing but their payroll taxes.”

            I don’t think I’m owed anything. But, it sounds like Ellie and the gang at Bloodhound WANT to be liked and accepted and embraced. The facts are, as nutrisystem stated above, Million Fishes got kicked out and I then saw the space offered on craigslist for $30,000/mo. Now, whether that’s exactly what your lease is or not, I don’t know. What I do know is that unlike many conventional businesses, your business is funded by an infusion of speculative VC money… and if that craigslist posting is to be believed -you are burning through it very fast in order to be located in a highly visible, “cool” location.

            And, what are you doing with that giant space and those gorgeous picture windows? Again, you don’t owe the neighborhood anything, and I’m not sure what else I’d prefer in the space… but, you must understand the extra work you’ll have to do in order to sway suspicion and resentment to acceptance and embrace. Because, when my lease is up (no rent control) my landlord will certainly reference the amount you’re paying (from someone else’s angel investor wallet) to determine the “new” value of my space.

            I’m not suggesting any lone start-up or activist group can make any measurable difference against these changes in the market… I’m just saying that highly-visible newcomers…especially those that displace someone/something else of value with their inflated financial resources… face an uphill battle in winning over the community and making the pill easier to swallow.

            Or don’t. Smugly enjoy your advantage, and try not to be bothered by the scowls in your windows. Maybe put up curtains?

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          4. You say “forget stereotypes” and then immediately stereotype a tech enterprises as “soulless” and an artist enterprise as “a cultural asset”.

            Maybe you should stop your own stereotypical categorizations before you admonish others for doing exactly the same thing.

            I do not believe this is “100% on the landlord” at all. It’s his job to maximize returns. It’s not his job to preserve cultural assets. The city could have housed the artists elsewhere if that was deemed important enough.

            Presumably they were not deemed the “asset” that you thought?

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        2. This is solid gold.

          “If I want to judge you according to the worst stereotype I can conjure up, it’s *on you* to convince me I’m wrong and that you don’t deserve it. Our community is really friendly and inviting but only after you’ve submitted to cultural interrogation by people like myself.

          BTW sorry I missed your open house and other outreach efforts, I was too busy judging to notice” – resident

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          1. Agree totally, Ben. While it is nice when a local company or employer makes an effort to get involved with the community, it certainly cannot be required or mandated in the way being implied.

            A place of work is primarily just that. It doesn’t exist to present art or provide volunteer hours. We can appreciate it when employers do such things, but we cannot reasonably demand that they do so. They may prefer, for instance, to give to a charity of their choice, or to the United Way.

            A tech company in the Mission, or anywhere else for that matter, owes us nothing but their payroll taxes.

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        3. And, rather than just criticize, let me offer an idea: an open house where you invite the neighborhood in to tour the space and explain what of your presence we have to feel happy about -what benefit counters the increase in area rent your lease encourages, or what good you’re doing that offers a balance to the loss of a cultural space.

          And, it’s not like I’m a former Million Fishes resident, or even signed on to everything that it offered… but, the weirdos there made for an important and unique part of the fabric of the community… it helped give the neighborhood a vibrancy that surely made it the type of area you guys wanted to locate your start-up.

          I’ll look forward to visiting.

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          1. One of the first things we did in the space was hold an open house for the neighbors in which we shared our intentions. I went door to door and left hand-made invitations and was disappointed by the small turnout.

            To be completely honest, this is the first time I’ve had a job like this, and while I may not be the best at promoting events, I am trying my damndest and hope that one day it shows.

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