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Hélène Goupil is a former editor at Mission Local who now works independently as a videographer and editor. She's the co-author of "San Francisco: The Unknown City" (Arsenal Pulp Press).

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  1. Paula, best wishes to you and Chile Lindo. We look forward to seeing you again… soon. If history is a testament, you’ll make it work.

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    1. Hola Claudia!

      Ojalá que tengas la oportunidad de visitarlo. Es una típica picá y las empanadas están muy buenas. También, puedes visitar el sitio web: y sumarte al newsletter, facebook, o twitter.

      Te esperamos en Chile Lindo!

      Paula Tejeda

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  2. Thank you Mission Local Thank you Jason Jaacks for making Chile Lindo look so good.

    Ironically, I’ve been going through an eviction myself–since February. Loosing my rent control flat of 16 years. Nearly closed the shop because of it. The business only covers expenses. Will most probably have to leave my dear neighborhood. Things still up in the air… caught up in the negotiations game that is exhausting and depleting.

    My story is particularly unique, because my former landlady passed away, and its her lawyer that wants the tenants out. She always insisted that the house not be sold.

    Welcome back Lydia. As you can see, Mission Local continues to do wonderful work in the community.

    Paula Tejeda

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  3. Great story of the importance of small business and community with a wonderful take on gentrification.

    A side note: empanadas are very similar to the Cornish Pasty. Coming from the Celtic part of Spain known as Galicia, like the Celtic heritage of Cornwall, the empanada and pasty show the cultural power of food and its connection between peoples.

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