On Monday around 9:30 p.m., a 24-year-old woman walking in the area of 16th Street and South Van Ness Ave. was allegedly grabbed from behind by two men, both around 30 years of age.

One of the men grabbed the woman’s laptop computer, according to authorities. Both suspects fled on foot. The woman was not injured but reported to San Francisco police that the incident made her feel nauseous.

Anyone with knowledge of this crime is encouraged to call the San Francisco Police Department at (415) 553-1651.

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  1. This is why I buy all of my electronics from Crazy Gideon. Great Prices and if anyone steals my electronics they just stole pure crap 😉

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  2. 16 y Mission calles donde multitudes convergen.

    Recuerdo desde mi llegada a San Francisco, que en este sitio siempre ha existido gente deambulando bajo los efectos de enervantes. Es bien claro ver quienes son estos personajes. Ademas, hay gente embrutesidad por el alcohol y aquellos que revenden los tranfers por un dollar, en fin gente llendo y viniendo. Retomando el caso de robo, queda bien claro que el lugar esta tomando otros matices, en este caso riesgoso.

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    1. basic translation>

      16th and Mission streets where crowds converge.

      I remember from my arrival in San Francisco, that this place has always been people wandering under the influence of narcotics. It is clear to see who these characters. Also, people drunk by alcohol and those who resell tranfers for dollar, in order to people coming and going. Returning to the case of theft, it is quite clear that the other shades are taking place in this case risky.

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